The 6th Cantonal Music Festival will take place in Faido from 17 to 20 May 2024 (Pentecost weekend) at the scool center area that will be transformed in the Music Oasis for the occasion. In addition to the performances of the bands, there will be evening shows offering different types of music, different spaces for drinking and eating, games for children, etc. ■
FAIDO 2004
Filarmonica Faidese had the honor of organizing the 2nd Cantonal Music Festival in 2004! Ticinese band world is still a great memory of the musical and festive success of this party. This memory and the excellent logistical possibilities of the Municipality of Faido led Filarmonica Faidese to propose themselves again with the same enthusiasm as the organizer of "Faido2024" ■
The Cantonal Music Festival was introduced in Ticino in 1999 and take place every five years. The Festival is organized in turn to one of the 46 bands affiliated to the Cantonal Band Federation (Febati). These companies have the right to participate in one of the following categories:
■ in contest with score
■ in judgment
■ as show band
The purpose of the Festival is that of a friendly competition, but above all that of strengthening relationships and friendships between the various companies ■
Festival days
Participating bands
During the three days of the competition, bands ranging from the 4th category to excellence will perform on stage to delight our audience with their notes
During the evenings musical events of various kinds will be proposed to satisfy everyone
The Festival will be animated by more than 1500 players with their accompanists and by the public present
At the disposal of the public there will be various refreshment stands
We are looking for people who can help us during the festival. There are multiple tasks to perform: serving the bars, cleaning, accompanying the bands, ... Write to us